Bodywork: Rib Work for Horses

Guest Blog, by Megan Ayrault, LMP, L/SAMP Here’s a video to help your horse’s ribs, breath, and back, which in turn helps their whole body and athletic performance. This YouTube video also includes a little discussion of the anatomy and physiology behind it, so it will make more sense as you practice, and you’ll get better […]
Horse Health: Don’t get Struck Out by Strangles!

by Hannah Mueller, DVM Strangles is a highly contagious bacterial infection (Strep equi equi) that affects horses and although it is rare in general, there have been more outbreaks than normal in our area this year. The disease is not usually fatal but more than half of exposed horses will become sick. Clinical signs include […]
Horse Health: Holistic Parasite Management for Horses

By Hannah Mueller, DVM Many barns still use basic rotational deworming with chemical products for parasite control. However, recent information and research is warning of parasite resistance to certain types of popular dewormers, and is calling for better management practices. Let’s take a look at how you can update your deworming program. Why deworming is necessary […]